A-5300 Hallwang bei Salzburg
Gewerbestrasse 6
Telefon: +43 (662) 66 29 66
Telefax: +43 (662) 66 30 56

FN 361079z
UID: ATU 66915136

GMT +1h:   

>> Company Profile

RESCHREITER ENERGIETECHNIK GMBH is one of the leading manufacturers of electrotechnical switchgears, control gears and control systems with computer-aided process control and visualization systems.

RESCHREITER ENERGIETECHNIK GMBH offers a complete portfolio of products and services in the areas of environmental technology, power distribution and heating, air conditioning and ventilation.






RESCHREITER ENERGIETECHNIK GMBH | Tel.: +43 662 66 29 66 | E-Mail