A-5300 Hallwang bei Salzburg
Gewerbestrasse 6
Telefon: +43 (662) 66 29 66
Telefax: +43 (662) 66 30 56

FN 361079z
UID: ATU 66915136

GMT +1h:   

>>Heating, Air Conditioning and Ventilation

Through the combination of solutions that are perfectly aligned with the customer's situation and competent project support, our goal is to provide our customers with added value and competitive advantage in their markets. Switchgear systems and control distributors with the highest levels of technological competence and execution - quality products made by RESCHREITER ENERGIETECHNIK GMBH.

Heating, air conditioning and ventilation plants for

  • Hospitals
  • Office and commercial buildings
  • Shopping centers
  • Residential and office buildings
  • Sporting venues
  • Data centers
  • Bench testing
  • Clean rooms

RESCHREITER ENERGIETECHNIK GMBH | Tel.: +43 662 66 29 66 | E-Mail