A-5300 Hallwang bei Salzburg
Gewerbestrasse 6
Telefon: +43 (662) 66 29 66
Telefax: +43 (662) 66 30 56

FN 361079z
UID: ATU 66915136

GMT +1h:   

>> Legal Notice

A-5300 Hallwang bei Salzburg, Gewerbestrasse 6
Telefon: +43 (662) 66 29 66
Telefax: +43 (662) 66 30 56
Company register number: FN 361079z

Company register: Commercial Court of Salzburg
Chamber: Salzburg Chamber of Commerce
Division: Industry and trade, commercial
Specialized groups: Electrical engineering / machine and computer system trade / products for industry and technology
Occupational groups: Electrical installation industry, trade

Value-added tax ID (VAT ID): ATU 66915136

Managing director: Thomas Semmelmann


Disclosure according to § 25 Media Law: RESCHREITER ENERGIETECHNIK GMBH is the owner of this website. This website serves to provide information about the activities of RESCHREITER ENERGIETECHNIK GMBH. All contents are for the purpose of personal information. Any other use or reproduction beyond that of personal use is prohibited. Images may not be published or disseminated without prior written approval of the respective copyright owner, regardless of whether for commercial or other purposes. 

RESCHREITER ENERGIETECHNIK GMBH is pleased that you are interested in our website and our company's products. You may be asked to provide personal information. Providing answers to these questions is voluntary. All personal information gathered from this website will only be saved with your permission and for the purpose of providing you with individualized customer service, sending of product information and providing service proposals. Your personal information will be stored in accordance with the data privacy act of Austria. 

RESCHREITER ENERGIETECHNIK GMBH has made every possible effort to present the contents of this website as accurately as possible and provide information that is current at the time of online publishing. However, within the scope of our policy of continuous improvement, RESCHREITER ENERGIETECHNIK GMBH reserves the right to make changes to the products, services and knowledge described and displayed here at any time. The information included on our website only serves as a guideline. Therefore, please ask your customer service representative for the latest information. The illustrations included on the website are symbol photographs. RRESCHREITER ENERGIETECHNIK GMBH does not assume any liability for damages that occur as a direct or indirect result of using this website, providing that these are not based on intention or gross negligence on the part of RESCHREITER ENERGIETECHNIK GMBH.

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RESCHREITER ENERGIETECHNIK GMBH | Tel.: +43 662 66 29 66 | E-Mail